Dedicated to my friend Ms Katy, thanks for the request! Ms. Katy's zombie I am particularly happy with, very zombie creepy ;)
Zombee #49: One Flew Over The Zombie's..Nest

A movie that has been on "must see" list for awhile, hoping to catch this soon! I knooow someone requested this b/c I remember thinking I have to do this one (glad I did!) but can't rememer who requested it, so please lemme know who!
Zombee #50: Epic

The epic battle b/w two legends, dedicated to my friends Gabe and Allison, preciate the support guys!
Zombee #51: Red-Neck Undead

This red-neck zombie dedicated to my friend Cody, hope you like it!
Zombee #52: The Kittyman

Kittyman Undead, dedicated to Mr. Sammy, the Kittyman ;), thanks for the request!
Zombee #53: Undead Boxers

These "comic booky" zombies dedicated to Allison, thanks!
Zombee #54: El Matador Muerto

Dedicated to the lovely Monica, preciate all the requests and support! :D.
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