Monday, October 12, 2009

SMB Redemption


So i've found a new addiction on the internet called "There Will Be Brawl"...anybody who was a fan of Nintendo though more importantly the game Super Smash Bros MUST check this out..its like Super Smash meets Sin City with a buncha other great movie parodies....set in a post apocalyptic Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi, the main protagonist, tries to unveil the increasing murders happening around the Kingdom and in b/w he meets a slew of Smash Bros characters, all of which have these very cool, dark twists (Kirby is Hannibal Lecter!)..

Anywho I think there are supposed to be 9 episodes in total aand they just finished #7, so I'm anxiously awaiting, doodled this darkish Mario character last night.

Photobucket <-- check it out!


  1. Wow at that Brawl link. What a great find. Good to know there are other fans of the Brawl series of games... fans that evidently like it even more than I...

    Love your dark Mario!

  2. preciate it man!

    yeah i'm actually a HUGE fan of brawl, it was the only game i was really good at, or like to think so anyways :P.

    a friend of mine told me about it and now i'm addicted, can't wait for the last couple episodes!
