Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ZOMBEEZ GALORE: Zombee #28: The Purple Undead


This purple zombie vixen dedicated to Ms. Arnette ;).

You know I've noticed that all these women caricatures are poppin' up in the series, I've really have had no guys volunteer themselves to be zombified..whats the deal guys! the gals are showin' you up!

Haha, this leads though to some interesting creative problems I've run to make a zombie "pretty" and "sexy" whiiiile maintaining essential "zombiness"..A couple solutions you'll have noticed is different types of clothing, chunks of flesh missing from different areas, nooot too much showing of bone though..and blood..I've done a couple with stitching now, but I'm relying heavily on color scheme as well...

With that said, I remember somehow that purple is Ms. Nette's favorite color (or at least i think it is..for some reason I think I know this), so I placed a dark purple background on the back of my drawing and from there just played around with some lighter purples 'til I got the result you see before you.

Monochromatics, two thumbs up!

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