Sunday, October 18, 2009

ZOMBEEZ GALORE: Zombee 10: Pineapple Madness


Whooooohooo! We finally reachin' the double digits! Hopin' to keep this zombie army growin' ;), keep sendin' me requests!

As you can see, anything can be a zombie..including what may at first seem like a harmless fruit.....'til you fall asleep and it feasts on your brains! buahaha.

Dedicated to the lovely Ms.Dori, this was the first "anything" I've made into a zombie ("anything/everything can be made a zombie"<---quote i've been saying). I actually had to draw this one kinda fast, I was at Half Price Books and had my handy dandy drawing book on me, so I got to work sitting in the coffee shop area while my sis and mom looked through the oh so great deals there.. I'm kinda in a mood for a fruit cup now. note to self: find fruit cup place. Photobucket

<---what a pineapple looks like if you haven't seen one...sorry! couldn't resist :P

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